Translator Fun Voice Pack is a voice pack for MorphVOX. MorphVOX is a program from Screaming Bee that catches the sound that you input from the microphone attached to your PC, and distorts the sound before playing it through the speakers, your favorite Instant Messenger or an online game. Translator Fun is a free voice pack that contains seven new voices: Body Noises, Burpalator, Computer Talk, Phone Talk, Random Body Noises, Random Censor and Xylophone. "Body Noises" transforms every input in farts. "Burpalator" does the same, but with burps. "Computer Talk" replaces the input with unintelligible "computer like" sounds. "Phone Talk" replaces the speech with tones like the ones that phones can play. "Random Body Noises" will reproduce the speech, adding at the end farts, coughs ot burps, at random. Perhaps some people will find that funny, I personally think that is just disgusting. "Random Censor" will play a beep (like the one you can hear when some speech is censored in the TV) at random, replacing random words or even silences. "Xylophone" replaces the speech with 16 predefined xylophone sounds.
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